A coffee break with... Serik

This week's Q&A is with one performer who doesn't hang about. He isn't shy of a bit of weight lifting, loves the idea of trying out the thunder dome and has a bit of a soft spot for... Ariana Grande? Who would have thought! This week, we are pleased to introduce you to one of our aerial strap performers, Serik! 
Serik is all smiles whenever he's in the ring!
1. Full name

Serikkhan Zhaxybekov

2. Home town/city/country

Taldy-Kurgan, Kazakhstan

3. What previous shows have you been in?

Circus Medrano, Billy Smart Circus, Blackpool Tower Circus, John Lawson circus, Uncle Sam's American Circus

4. If you could choose another circus act to perform what would it be?

I'm a bit of a dare devil, so probably the wheel of death or the Thunderdome. Those guys do an amazing job so I'd love to give it a go.
Will Serik be next to master the Thunderdome? 

5. Do you have a routine or ritual before the show?

It's important to me and to my act that I stay fit and strong! So I always do a big of weight lifting before the show as a warm-up to get myself ready.
6. If you were not a circus performer what job would you do?

Whatever keeps me and my bank account happy!

7. How would you describe the show to someone who has never seen it?

Truly amazing and breath-taking! A must-see show!
8. How did you join the circus?

I attended circus college to learn more about the industry and improve my skills and now here I am!

9. Favourite song?

Number one for me by Maher Zain. He's a Swedish R'n'B singer for anyone who doesn't know, I'd definitely recommend him!
10. Favourite sandwich?

Something a bit gourmet like a freshly made seafood sandwich 
11. Favourite movie?


12. Who is your celebrity crush?

Ariana Grande! I love her songs!

13. Favourite clothes designer?

I have a bit of expensive taste... I quite like Armani, Timberland and Calvin Klein

14. If you had the TV remote control what would you watch?

I love watching Family Guy, it's so funny!

15. Do you believe we really did land on the moon 50 years ago?

I don't think we did, I think it's just a story

16. Favourite place in the world to live?

Out of all the places I've visited, I'd probably say Hong Kong

Serik is currently appearing at Butlin's Bognor Regis for the summer, until 1 September 2019. For more details visit the Butlin's Big Top Circus page.


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