A coffee break with... Mohamed!

Put the kettle on, because it's time for our fourth Q&A installment! This week, we'd like to introduce you to one of the members of our Kenya Warriors, currently featured at Butlins Minehead, Mohamed!
The Kenyan Warriors showing off their super strength!

1. Full name

Mohamed Said Rasi

2. Home town/city/country

Mombases, Kenya

3. What previous shows have you been in?

Gerry Cottle's Circus, Circus Berlin and Circus of Heroes

4. If you could choose another circus act to perform what would it be?

I'd love to be able to master the Chinese Pole! 
Mohamed is definitely one of the most stylish members of our cast!
5. Do you have a routine or ritual before the show?

I always have to warm up before the show. I like to put on some music and do stretches with the rest of the warriors. Then after we always just like to relax. 
6. If you were not a circus performer what job would you do?

I think I would have liked to have been a soldier

7. How would you describe the show to someone who has never seen it?

Incredibly entertaining, very dynamic and an overall enjoyable experience!

8. How did you join the circus?

I first started out as an independent artist in my own country, then later decided to join the circus

9. Favourite song?

Waka Waka by Shakira 

10. Favourite sandwich?

Sorry, I don't really like sandwiches!

11. Favourite movie?

I'm a big fan of the Predator and Alien movies 
12. Who is your celebrity crush?

Vanessa Mdee! She's a Tanzanian singer and TV presenter

13. Favourite clothes designer?

I'm quite active so Adidas is the best brand for me  

14. If you had the TV remote control what would you watch?

Lots and lots of movies! Probably Predator haha!

15. Do you believe we really did land on the moon 50 years ago?

I don't believe that we did

16. Favourite place in the world to live?

Mohamed is currently appearing at Butlin's Minehead for the summer, until 1 September 2019. For more details visit the Butlin's Big Top Circus page.


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