A coffee break with... Bippo!

In honour of Clown Week (commencing 1st - 7th August) it only seemed right that this week's Q&A should be with someone who isn't shy of using a little bit of lipstick now and then and has a soft spot for red shiny shoes. We are pleased to introduce you to Bippo the clown!

1. Full name 

Gareth James Ellis a.k.a Bippo

2. Home town/city/country


3. What previous shows have you been in?

Zippo's circus, John Lawson's circus, Gerry Cottle’s circus, the Hippodrome Great Yarmouth, and the Sooty show

4. If you could choose another circus act to perform what would it be?

A juggler

5. Do you have a routine or ritual before the show?

Not many people know this but I put my shoes and socks on before my clown trousers. Also the left shoe first. I also use the same powder sock for my makeup that I used when I first started for good luck

6. If you were not a circus performer what job would you do?

Stand up comic. Or the person who puts goldfish farts in spirit levels

7. How would you describe the show to someone who has never seen it?

It’s not your average circus. It has aspects of theatre such as grand production numbers and costuming. Also with me and Joel we get the audience involved so you're not just watching the show, you're part of it. It makes it more of an immersive experience

Ringmaster Joel Hatton and clown Bippo are double trouble!

8. How did you join the circus?

I went to watch a circus when I was just four years old and fell in love. My parents decided to go along with my obsession and bought me clown costume and makeup. I started performing in school assemblies and fetes, also working for Pontins and joining the re-launch show at Butlin's in 1998. 

When I was at the tender age of nine my father was made redundant and my mother bored with her job so my parents decided to move from their four bedroom house in Manchester into a tiny caravan to start me off on my circus career.  I haven’t looked back since and this is my 21st year.

9. Favourite song?

In Love With a Psycho by Kasabian

10. Favourite sandwich?

Tuna mayo

11. Favourite movie?

Get Him to the Greek

12. Who is your celebrity crush?

Donald Trump

13. Favourite clothes designer?


14. If you had the TV remote control what would you watch?

Anything comedy! Not the news

15. Do you believe we really did land on the moon 50 years ago?

Nope, it was all filmed in Las Vegas

16. Favourite place in the world to live?

Somerset, my own little paradise

Bippo is currently appearing at Butlin's Minehead for the summer, until 1 September 2019. For more details visit the Butlin's Big Top Circus page. 


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