A coffee break with... Amiri

This week, we say a fond farewell to our summer at Butlins and a warm welcome to Derby, Nottingham and Warrington as we begin our autumn tour 2019! Our final Q & A is with a man who we think needs no introduction. He's a rather quirky character and would bend over backwards for anyone! We are proud to introduced you to Skegness' resident bendy man, Amiri the contortionist!

Amiri's preferred way of watching TV as appose to sitting on the sofa

1. Full name

Amiri Kisingaji Mvamda

2. Home town/city/country

Ilala, Tanzania

3. If you could choose another circus act to perform what would it be?

I would like to be able to master the chair balance! It requires a lot of strength and a lot of balance, obviously, but I think I could do it! Maybe you'll be seeing me doing that next at Gandeys... ha ha ha

4. Do you have a routine or ritual before the show?

My act requires lots of flexibility, so I always do lots and lots of stretches before the show to make sure I'm fully warmed up and ready!

5. If you were not a circus performer what job would you do?

I could never, ever imagine not doing what I'm doing! It might surprise you but if I couldn't work in the circus I'd like to work in business!

6. How would you describe the show to someone who has never seen it?

Its definitely something that will shock and amaze you at the same time! You won't be able to take your eyes off it!

7. How did you join the circus?

I knew it was something I really, really wanted to do. So I practiced and perfected my act and got in touch with an agent who helped me get work in the circus. If you love what you do you should keep at it!

8. Favourite song?

A song called Like You by an American folk artist called Tatiana Manaois

9. Favourite sandwich?

It's hard because I love sandwiches but I would definitely go with an egg mayo sandwich as my favourite, it's definitely the one I eat the most

10. Favourite movie?

The Book of Eli! I really like action films and this is definitely a favourite for me

11. Who is your celebrity crush?

I am a big Tatiana Manaois fan but other than that I don't really have one!

12. Favourite clothes designer?

I get most of my clothes from Topman

13. If you had the TV remote control what would you watch?

It would definitely be a movie! Either a comedy or an action movie!

14. Do you believe we really did land on the moon 50 years ago?

Yes, definitely! Why wouldn't we? 

15. Favourite place in the world to live?



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