A coffee break with... Elena!

Our Q&A's are all about giving you the chance to learn more about the wonderful individuals that make up the Gandeys Circus family. For our third installment, we'd like to introduce you to a marvelous member of our Butlin's Skegness cast! She is definitely no stranger to danger - we're excited to introduce to you our crossbow artist Elena!

Elena doing what she does best!

1. Full name 

Elena Busnelli 
2. Home town/ city/ country

Mantua, Italy

3. What previous shows have you been in? 

Circus Knie, Circus Krone, Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione

4. If you could choose another circus act to perform what would it be?

I'd like to be a trapeze artist!

5. Do you have a routine or ritual before the show? 

Not before the show no, but we do a lot of preparation in between show times and we like to celebrate after a show too (it's good to unwind after you've spent a performance having knives thrown around you!)

Elena and her husband Giacomo are a great duo!

6. If you were not a circus performer what job would you do?

I really enjoy cooking in my spare time, so probably a chef.

7. How would you describe the show to someone who has never seen it?

It is VERY beautiful! 

8. How did you join the circus?

My family are in the circus so it's just part of our tradition, I always thought it's what I would do. 

9. Favourite song?

Girl Gone Wild by Madonna

10. Favourite sandwich? 
A Big Mac!

11. Favourite movie?


Her heart will go on...

12. Who is your celebrity crush?

Elvis Presley

13. Favourite clothes designer?

I have expensive tastes, so Versace!

14. If you had the TV remote control what would you watch?

I love watching anything scary so probably a horror film!

15. Do you believe we really did land on the moon 50 years ago?

Yes, definitely! Why wouldn't we?

16. Favourite place in the world to live?

Spain or Italy. You can't beat a bit of sun! 

Elena is currently appearing at Butlin's Skegness for the summer, until 1 September 2019. For more details visit the Butlin's Big Top Circus page. 


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