The Philip Astley Project - an evening at The Rotary Club

Andrew Van Buren and Carol Gandey took the stage last night to speak to the Rotary Club about The Philip Astley Project that will be coming to Newcastle-under-Lyme and throughout the UK next year, in what turned out to be a very interesting and entertaining evening. 

The Philip Astley Project was formed in 2015 to celebrate Philip Astley as part of the nationwide Circus250 celebrations that will be taking place next year. 2018 is the 250th anniversary of the modern circus and thanks to money raised by National Lottery players, and sponsorship from businesses, people will be able to get involved in workshops, talks, an exhibition, and performances. Activities began in 2017, leading up to AstleyFest - a one-day festival to celebrate Astley in August 2018.

Gandeys Circus is proud to be supporting The Philip Astley Project and working closely with Andrew Van Buren to celebrate the life of this Newcastle-under-Lyme born man known as "the father of modern circus". 

The wonderful Circus Starr would also like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the many generous members of the Rotary Club who donate tickets to their shows. Carol had several Rotarians approach her last night to say how many years they have been supporting Circus Starr and how strongly they believe in the incredible work that Circus Starr does.

Click here to find out more about the project, and here to stay updated on Facebook.

In the meantime, take a look at the amazing Philip Astley opening that Gandeys Circus dedicated to the great man in 2016:


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