Christmas Adverts 2017 - which is your favourite?

It has become something of a tradition in recent years for certain high street stores and supermarkets to splash the cash on a big budget Christmas advert - usually with an emotional punch and a song that will stick in your head for days.

TV Christmas Adverts have always had a way of signalling the start of the festive season. We can't deny that we have always felt a pang of excitement when we first hear Coca Cola's Holidays are Coming song on TV at the beginning of winter - or the Toys R Us theme musically describing a 'magical place' that sounds like a paradise for children of all ages.

This newer trend for adverts has taken it up a level though. No longer do the adverts signal the event, but the release of the adverts themselves had become an anticipated event in itself, with some stores even 'teasing' the release of the adverts a few days before they land.

And you know what... we love it!!

Here is this year's selection of the major TV Christmas adverts! Which is your favourite?

John Lewis - #MozTheMonster

M&S - Paddington & The Christmas Visitor #LoveTheBear

Debenhams - #YouShall Find your Fairytale Christmas

Aldi - Kevin the Carrot

Sainsburys - #everybitofChristmas


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