Terri Lowe: Gandeys Circus Review

Here at Gandey World Class productions we pride ourselves on being a tight-knit organisation and as employees come and go we love to keep in touch to to see how they're doing and of course always welcome them back to see our productions.

Earlier this year Terri Lowe came to see Gandey's Circus, here's what she had to say:

"For those who have followed my blog, or spoken to me for a while, you may know that in a previous life I worked on the PR and Marketing for Gandey World Class Productions. A production company like no other, they're responsible for shows such as The Chinese State Circus and The Ladyboysof Bangkok. Whilst working there, I developed a completely new love and respect for performance and the work that goes not only in to the choreography of the shows, but also the work that goes in to the outfits!
During my time there, I never got the chance to see the renowned Gandey's Circus. Which is why I knew I had to go and take my little niece when the circus came to Stoke on Trent last week.

I must admit, I wasn't quite prepared for the spectacular show I was about to witness. I assumed there'd be some clowns, maybe a few tricks, a trapeze at a push.... But I soon realised I was very, very wrong. From start to finish the entire crowd was in awe of the amazing acts from around the world, all under one Big Top Tent.

Chico Rico is the clown that appears to run the show, with a healthy dose of audience interaction and (unfortunately for me), a section of audience participation... Which wasn't my best move with a hangover that day, but it was fun all the same. I even got some sneaky Instagram Story footage of my experience in the Circus ring...

From trapeze acts, where women dangled from their hair?! (seriously what conditioner do they use?), to flames on hoops and acrobatics like I've never seen. It was non-stop from the opening musical number, through to the minions and until the very end.

There were too many acts to count, and the show lasted a whopping two hours! I think my niece was probably a little young for a show of that length, as she is only just turned 2. Her attention lasted a good while though and it wasn't until around 1 hour 45 minutes that she began to get a little restless. However, all the other children were captivated until the very end! And it's no wonder, when the final act of the show was the world famous Wheel of Death. Which actually did make most of the audience gasp several times in unison at one point.

The show was rounded off in true Gandey's style, with a collection of amazing costumes and the entire cast coming out for the finale. Not to mention the massive inflatable carousel..."

Terri went to see the show earlier in the year in Stoke-on-Trent, did you go?

Check out more from Terri here


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