National Fish and Chip Day!

Today may not be one of the better known national days, but it's arguably one of the tastiest!

It's National Fish and Chip Day!!

The day was the brainchild of NEODA, and originated as a way for fish and chip lovers across the country to come together to celebrate the nation's favourite dish. It's an opportunity for people to enjoy a tasty meal of indulgence, and to spread the word and help direct footfall to local fish and chip shops across the UK.

In 2016, #nationalfishandchipday began trending on Twitter and Facebook at 9.30am and the media coverage that stemmed from this meant that it became one of the busiest days of the year for chippies, with some saying it was even busier than Good Friday. More than 28 million people saw, heard or read about National Fish & Chip Day! 

2017 is expected to see an even bigger increase in people celebrating National Fish and Chip Day.

There's nothing quite like a delicious portion of fish and chips! Whether you eat it straight out of the paper with a wooden fork, or serve it delicately on a plate with a lemon wedge, there are few pleasures that surpass that first bite through crunchy golden batter into the succulent white meat, followed by a moreish nibble on a fried chip laden with salt and vinegar...

What is your meal of choice from the chippy? Are you a traditionalist who goes for the classic combo with mushy peas, or do you prefer curry sauce, gravy... or even a battered sausage?

Now, if you'll excuse us... we've got a date with our local chippy! Happy Fryday!


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