Gandeys Circus is on the move.....

Now you may have heard through the grapevine that Gandey's Thrill Circus is back for the second time this year! After a hugely successful stint in Liverpool back in February, we're brushing off the Big Top and preparing to bring our magical all human take on modern day circus to the intu Merry Hill Shopping Centre, in the West Midlands this October half term!! With a whole new amazing line up of acts from all over the globe it's set to be a one of kind treat this October half term!

It's been rather a busy year for us here at Gandey World Class Productions HQ - what with Gandey's Thrill Circus, The Lady Boys of Bangkok and Butlins this past year there hasn't been much time to breath, and with more to come this winter it doesn't seem to be letting up! Which is certainly a good thing, proving undoubtedly that people still have a thirst for big top productions and cabaret!

A little heart-warming news next from the charitable arm of our organisation - the wonderful 'Circus Starr', which, if you didn't know puts on free circus shows for special needs children the length and breadth of the country! The first thing that comes to mind when people think of the circus isn't generally thoughts technology and innovation, more connotations of breath taking feats and.....popcorn. Circus Starr however is working against these assumptions bring circus firmly by the poles of it's tent into the 21st centery with their new app, dubbed the 'Show and Tell' app. 'Show and Tell' was thought up by our imaginative Circus Starr team in cojuction with organisations such as the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts, the app is designed to help children with conditions such as autism to prepare for what they will see at the circus, record it and keep it as a cherished memory. A summary of the app and there work recently appeared in the Guardian (I know, we're moving on up right?) which you can read here. The app also has room to grow with a show and tell aspect being applicable to many more situations in a child life, such as the first day of school or first time at the theatre or just about anything you can think of! Giving the app a very large area in which to grow and develop. Keep up to date with the app by giving it a download, it's available in Apple App Store, and is soon to be available on Android.

Keep posted for news and updates on all our productions at our site, and if you find yourself in the West Midlands this October half term why not pop in and see us?


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