Autumnal Fashions....

You may be clinging desperately onto the last remnants of Summer but Autumn is most definitely upon us with a couple of Tuesdays ago marking the beginning of  Autumn Equinox. No more long warm nights, no more summer clothes and no more cheaper heating bills - the last one of which hurts us the most....BUT don't despair, Autumn has it's own merits - there's.....those....errrrm....beautiful colours know....the....crunch of leaves under foot - but most importantly of all there's a chance to change up your fashion décor with a more wintry aesthetic. If  crunchy leaves and colder fashions have got you a least a little bit more excited for the winter don't you worry - The Lady Boys of Bangkok have got you covered with our breakdown of the hottest fashion trends circling the runway - the web and our wardrobes over the next few months.

Number one on the trend setters Autumn wish list is the rather asymmetrical solo earring; this rebel chic is all the rage with celebrities and models this autumn. The lonesome ear look has been rocked by Cara Delevingne the modelling worlds current it girl and even the more classy and debonair Emma Watson has taken the the red carpet with the look. However unusual an asymmetrical look may look (showing off the vocabulary there) in this relatively symmetrical world, we here at Lady Boys HQ rather like the look. Too many of today's high fashion trends never make their way to the high street, but with celebrity endorsement from fashion icons like Emma Watson we hope this one does, and the ladies love a bit of difference in their attire so watch out for those solo earrings glistening in future shows.

BELTS....who doesn't love a good belt? It one of the accessories that can make an outfit...adding or subtracting colour accordingly and tying an outfit together with some midriffing originality. Belts are also on the conveyor belt of 'in' this Autumn, we weren't entirely aware that they were ever 'out' but the internet assures that they are most certainly 'in'. All this inning and outing may have you macarena-ing all over the shop, but before you shake it all about take what do you think to our favourite belts of the season? Slightly lacking if exposed to elements - but they certainly fit the bill for us inside the Sabai Pavilion!

We also loved Abbey Clancey's daring belt/dress combo on the Pride of Britain Awards red carpet - very Aztec-y (definitely a word), wonder if they sell them in Primark?

Now our last ear to ground fashion tip we is colour themed - now those of you who have seen our shows may have noticed that there is a faaaaiiiirrlly significant splash of Pink in our costumes - lighting and basically everything...needless to say WE LOVE PINK. It therefore gives is great pleasure to announce that Pink is in this autumn - not just any pink mind you, no no. The rather subdued pale Pink is the colour of choice, so keep that In mind the next time you think that pink may be to garish for an outfit....and just to let you know the Pink Tartan Skirt coupled with a Pink Beret is a timeless look - but shhhhhh don't tell anyone! For more fashion tips for the Autumn check out our font of fashion knowledge here in this little article - LINK.

The Lady Boys of Bangkok are moving onto Leeds for our next 15 days of performances starting this Friday! Check out our performance times - here - we will be looking out for these fashion statements in the crowd! 


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