China and Pomegranates....?

OK, we will admit that this blog post is a very loose association we've made between the Chinese State Circus performing in Chesterfield  at the Pomegranate Theatre tonight, and the history of the pomegranate itself in the circus performers homeland of China, but we like to think outside of the box from time to time....

The Pomegranate Theatre is a delightful Victorian arch theatre with a capacity of 546 seats. Established in 1949 the Pomegranate Theatre is the country’s oldest civic theatre providing a year round programme of professional touring shows and high quality local amateur productions. The Chinese State Circus cannot wait to lap up the heritage and the beautiful architecture of this precious location!

But let's get back to pomegranates.... They're that awkward red fruit full to the brim of juicy little seeds that are a pain to pop out. But when you do, this super fruit is a tasty treat and the seeds can be used in desserts, salads and smoothies. Praised for it's high levels of antioxidants, the pomegranate contains a higher concentration of these small miracle workers than green tea, and is known to aid prevention of cardiovascular diseases. But in China the pomegranate is praised for a different reason. Introduced to China during the Tang Dynasty, due to the high number of seeds contained within the fruit, the pomegranate was considered an emblem of fertility during olden times in the country. Let's hope that today and tomorrow don't strike up a baby boom in Chesterfield huh? Although that'd be OK by us if it did - The Chinese State Circus welcomes an audience of all ages after all!

You can buy your tickets for this venue and others on The Chinese State Circus UK Tour 'Yin Yang' by visiting our website: >here<


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