Homemade Chinese Takeaway: Kung Po Stir Fry Recipe

Here at Gandey World Class Productions HQ we are partial to a cheeky Chinese take-away every now and again, however, being surrounded by the stunning figures of the Lady Boys of Bangkok we are also aware that we should keep on top of our calorie intake! In order to compromise we tried out a few healthy, home-made alternatives. We all enjoyed this Kung Po Stir Fry so much we thought we'd share the recipe with you!

Serves 4:
4 tablespoons of Soy Soy
1 teaspoon Chilli Sauce
1 teaspoon of Caster Sugar
1 tablespoon of Cornflour
2 cloves of Garlic
4 Spring Onions
1 tablespoon of Oil (Vegetable or Sesame)

225g of Prawns
450g of Mince
1 Aubergine

  • Remove the stem and cube the aubergine
  • Mix the soy sauce, the stock, the chilli sauce, sugar and the pepper in a bowl (stir well)
  • Seperately mix the cornflour with 4 tablespoons of water.
  • Heat up the oil in a wok, then saute the garlic, half of the spring onions and the prawns and ginger. (This will need about 3-5 minutes, until the prawns begin to brown)
  • Add in the mince and cook until this browns as well
  • Stir in the aubergine, then add the soy sauce mixture from earler and let simmer for 15 minutes (it might need the occassional stir).
  • Then add the cornflour mixture allowing the sauce the thicken over the heat
  • Finally stir in the other half of the onions and a tablespoon of oil.


You can either serve this on a bed of rice, with noodles, or eat it as it. Chopsticks are also optional!


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