The Lady Boys are extremely excited to be performing at home once again x

Edingburgh (1998) was the first-ever ladyboys performance, and still remains a hit around Scotland. This year we have shows lined up for you all from Friday 6th to 30th August

When the Glamourous Lady Boys are not busy performing for you, these are some of their favourite things to do up in Edinburgh...

The Lady Boys love to visit The Edinburgh Gin Distillery tours who are ranked in the top 20 of Edinburgh Visitor Attractions on Tripadvisor. On the Lady Boys last tour they had tasted a bottle of Gin Exclusively created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, this rare release will never be repeated is what they told us!

Designed personally by Phoebe, EG have said that it is limited-edition Edinburgh Gin Classic release. Filled with hidden details, the bottle tells the inside story of Fleabag and its connection to our home city of Edinburgh, from Phoebe's one-woman play to global success. 

A word from Phoebe: “Gin and theatre are my two great loves. We wanted this bottle to capture a glimpse of Edinburgh in all her mystery and wonder, through the eyes of Fleabag who found her first home there...” - Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

Another place  recommended by The Lady Boys is the Harris Tweed Isle of Harris which is a family-run business that specialises in the world-famous cloth known as Harris Tweed. This is where they love to  buy souveniers from when they leave for Thailand. The family has a rich heritage of weavers that go back generations and are proud to be able to continue the family legacy combining our rich time-honoured craft with modern, contemporary influences. 

Did you know that the Lady Boys have their very own registered Tartan ?


Edinburgh Castle

It's not a trip to Edinburgh for the Lady Boys without a visit to Edinburgh Castle. One of their favourite spots at the castle is the Western Viewpoint. They love to stand there and admire the amazing views to the west of Edinburgh  from this high rampart. 

This is also the view which will be facing us as we are performing at festival square!!!

They never miss out is the One o'clock Gun Exhibition, they love visiting Scotland’s most explosive timekeeper. The 105mm field gun is fired every day at 1pm, except Sundays, Good Friday and Christmas Day. The practice goes back to 1861, when the blast signaled the time to ships in the Firth of Forth.

 One story which they love to share with the locals in Thailand is the story of Greyfriars Bobby. This story makes the locals of Bangkok shed a tear.  This is how the story goes:

"In 1850 a gardener called John Gray, together with his wife Jess and son John, arrived in Edinburgh. Unable to find work as a gardener he avoided the workhouse by joining the Edinburgh Police Force as a night watchman.

  To keep him company through the long winter nights John took on a partner, a diminutive Skye Terrier, his ‘watchdog’ called Bobby. Together John and Bobby became a familiar sight trudging through the old cobbled streets of Edinburgh. Through thick and thin, winter and summer, they were faithful friends.

  The years on the streets appear to have taken their toll on John, as he was treated by the Police Surgeon for tuberculosis.

John eventually died of the disease on the 15th February 1858 and was buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard. Bobby soon touched the hearts of the local residents when he refused to leave his master’s grave, even in the worst weather conditions"

The Lady Boys of Bangkok Friday 6th to 30th August

The Lady Boys are extremely excited to be visiting Edinburgh once again, and hope to see you at the show!!! You can book now by clicking here


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