Interview with Camila Palma Aguirre

Trapeze Artist

What have you been doing in the past year while the industry has been stagnant? 

 Well, first of all, I was able to spend time with my family.  It has been many years since we were all together and it was a good time to be with them and bond.  I chili, in my family's circus and we sold sweet things that are sold in the circus-like Cotton, popcorn, etc. 


What did you miss the most about not being able to perform with us?

 I missed my friends and above all, I missed being an artist.  Seeing the audience have fun and impress them with the show.

 I love the public in England.

 How did you feel about isolating yourself in your hotel, what did you do to keep yourself busy?

The hotel was very comfortable but being alone was still difficult. I had a lot of time to think, exercise, and prepare my costumes for the show.  The truth is that the days passed very quickly.  I'm getting used to quarantines haha!


 Do you like to travel alone?

 I really like to travel and see the world.

 But I think that if you share the experiences with someone it is much better.

 I always travel with my mom, she is my best company.  But with this pandemic situation, I have had to adapt to traveling alone.


 How did you come to Swinging Trapeze?

 I am the sixth generation of my family that is a traditional circus and since I was little I liked high-altitude acts.  My mother decided that she would dedicate me to the trapeze because she had a great facility for that act and I loved it.  I think she couldn't have chosen something better for me.

 Does she get you adrenaline pumping or nervous before her performance?

Yes!  Especially now that I haven't worked for so long I get very nervous. But I always have some nerves and a lot of care, because every show I put myself at risk. I think if I didn't like it, I wouldn't get nervous haha.

 My dad says, "without risk there is no circus."

If you weren't in the Circus, what do you think you could have done or would have liked to do? 

 It is a difficult question for me because the circus is my life, but I really like cooking, I think I would dedicate myself to cooking.

Is it difficult to be in constant motion and not see as much family and friends?

 It is very difficult.  My family is the most important thing I have in life, but thanks to very good friends I have, they make me feel at home and that   


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