Ride High Charity

This year on our Renaissance tour we are raising money for Ride High, Ride High is a wonderful organisation that leads mislead children onto a better path for themselves. Over 80 children go to Ride High every week for up to a year and follow a program of structured learning which includes learning to ride and care for horses and associated club room projects.

    Time spent with the horses promotes confidence, responsible behavior, respect and trust. It provides the children with a challenge, the opportunity to do something special and to develop a sense of pride as they overcome challenges. The horses are invaluable but they are just the start of our program.

     Structured activity drives the biggest transformation in children. In the safe and secure environment provided by Ride High, their qualified teachers work with the children to build their confidence and life skills required to go out into the world and participate fully in life.
    In addition to their weekly sessions Ride High also organise educational trips and visits and residentials during the school holidays and provide their members with volunteering and work experience opportunities.

    When they are first referred most of the children are under-performing at, or not attending school, and are unable to see a future for themselves. By the time they leave Ride High over 90% are thriving in full time school, college or work experience.


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