Happy Halloween!

The spookiest day of the year is here again! It's time to don your witch's hat, apply your ghoulish makeup and eat enough sweets to see you through til Christmas!

Whether you've spent months crafting your perfect handmade Halloween outfit, or simply popped on your normal clothes and called yourself a Muggle from Harry Potter – we love to see all of your fancy dress costumes!

We like Halloween so much that we even dedicated our latest Gandeys Circus show to it – the incredible Halloween Spooktacular that featured at intu Merry Hill!

Here are 6 facts that you may not know about this haunting holiday:

6. Turnip Carving

The tradition of carving pumpkins was originally done with turnips.

When Irish immigrants arrived in America, they started using pumpkins, because they were cheaper than turnips.

5. All Hallows' Eve

“Halloween” is short for “Hallows’ Eve” or “Hallows’ Evening”.

4. Samhainophobia

It's no surprise that some people find Halloween spooky, but some people actually have an irrational fear of Halloween - also known as Samhainophobia.

3. Giant Pumpkin

The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed an astonishing 2,624.6 lb! This world record was set in 2016 by Mathias Willemijns from Belgium.

2. Trick or Treat

Trick-or-treating came from the ancient Celtic tradition of putting out treats and food to placate spirits during Samhain – a sacred festival that marked the end of the Celtic calendar year.

1. An ancient tradition

Halloween is thought to have originated around 4000BC, which means Halloween has been around for over 6,000 years!

From all of us at Gandey World Class Productions... we wish you a Happy Halloween!!


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