World Fringe Day 2017

World Fringe Day 2017.
"The Edinburgh Festival Fringe was the world’s first fringe back in 1947. Fast forward
70 years and there are now more than 200 fringes worldwide.
The spark which was ignited in Edinburgh in 1947 has circled the globe and the fringe model has been emulated from Australia to France, Canada to Prague, South Africa to Brighton, China to Brazil, and everywhere in-between.
World Fringe Day will take place on Tuesday,
11 July 2017 at the midpoint in the 70th anniversary year. This will be an opportunity for all fringes, venues, participants and audiences across the world to come together to celebrate and to demonstrate the worldwide reach and collective power of fringe."
Gandey World Class Productions has been taking shows to perform as part of the Edinburgh Fringe for nearly 20 years and the Brighton Fringe for nearly 15! 
So far this year The Lady Boys of Bangkok took their brand spanking new Sabai Pavilion and show 'Who Runs the World' to the Brighton Fringe in May performing to hundreds of people each night!

The Lady Boys earlier this year enjoying some candyfloss at the Brighton Pier. 
The show is currently touring Scotland before finishing up at the Edinburgh Fringe once again, a highlight of the year. 
We will be celebrating 70 years of the Fringe for #WorldFringeDay and we would love for you to join us! 
Check out our social media and join in the conversation! #Fringe70 


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