An updates from our chosen charity - Pattaya Street Kids


As the die hard Lady Boys of Bangkok fan that we know you are, you will have undoubtedly heard of of our chosen charity the Pattaya Street Kids and the amazing work they do for impoverished children in Thailand. You may also know that the collections we hold go directly to the charity and that over the years, with the help of you our audiences, we've raised tens of thousands of pounds for this great cause. So today we have a quick update on the amazing work that has recently been done by Pattaya Steet Kids with the help of you kind donations. These are direct quotes from Don Ford, the treasurer and trustee of Pattaya Street Kids, in his recent newsletter.

The Lady Boys of Bangkok

The Gala Fund Raising Evening on June 11th at the Lady Boys of Bangkok show in Brighton raised £1,658 and our thanks go to all of our helpers who turned out to sell the Prize Draw tickets. It was particularly good to see both Phil Marten and Jim Tourle, both founder members of the PSK charity, able to attend. It was Jim and Phil who convinced us to turn the Project into a registered charity.

Phil Gandey the M.D. of the Lady Boys of Bangkok show paid a visit to the Pak Ping Kum Pai
Children’s Home in mid-June during a short visit to Pattaya. This was Philip’s third visit to the home and he was able to see for himself how some of the money raised by the shows has been used.

Food Programme

We have recently increased our food deliveries for students living in the slums and this has come about because of the number of new students that we took on this year. We have also increased out support for the food programme that Kate’s Project Trust operates for their students.

Muay Thai Boxing

During my trip to Pattaya over the New Year I met a few of our students who were taking part in Muay Thai boxing matches to supplement their families’ income. Four boys ages 11-14 years and one girl age 13 years were training at a local boxing camp at weekends and after school, as Muay Thai can be a brutal sport where serious injuries are frequent we asked Khun Noi to look into this for us.

We have asked Khun Noi to ascertain if there is any way that PSK can assist the families to remove the need for the kids to fight but one problem is that a successful fighter can take the winners’ purse which can be many thousands of Baht and that is often to much of an attraction for kids to stop boxing.

More updates on this to follow.

I'm sure you'll all agree that Pattaya Street Kids is a worthy cause and thank you once again for your kind donations.


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