Gandey's Worldwide....

That Christmas time of year is upon us once again and that means the winter circus season is well and truly upon us! Gandey World Class Productions is wrapping up for winter - not just with clothing but also with productions. The Lady Boys of Bangkok are reaching the end the end of their amazing Red Hot Kisses tour - having reach Sheffield this weekend their last stop before heading back to Bangkok. Gandey's Thrill Circus has amazed and dazzled audiences in both Merseyside and the West Midlands and is now wrapped up for the winter ready for more dates to be announced next year. Our productions may be in hibernation but our good friends in the circus world certainly aren't - they are all across the globe performing is a number of different shows!
The above video of the amazing Duo Essence a contemporary take on the traditional Chinese Pole act that we helped put into La Clique during this years Edinburgh Fringe. I think we can all agree that they show some amazing acrobatic feats wrapped in a beautiful and effortless package - an act that are proud went down a storm in Edinburgh and that we're very much looking forward to working with in the future. During the Winter season Duo Essence are performing as part of the Roncalli Apollo show in St. Mortiz - so if you find yourself in Switzerland this winter they come with the highest of recommendations. 

The next act on our friends list is Equivokee - a clown troupe with a lively, energetic unabashedly fun act that has taken them all over the world. The above video of their act at last years 37th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival - where the boys provided entertainment with some clever audience participation and a skipping rope - our favourite part is when he puts the bag on the unsuspecting man's head, but we'll let you watch for yourself's. Equivokee joined us at our Skegness show in Butlin's this year - which was actually their second year at one of our Butlin's circuses. They are currently performing at the Eindhoven Christmas Circus in Holland for the Winter season. 
Our good friends Billy and Emily England can be seen in the above video performing their amazing roller-skating act in New York. We have worked both Billy and Emily on many a production and Emily is fresh from her amazing performance at the Bandenburg Gate Cereomony marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Emily is currently performing her breath taking Bubble Girl act as part of the Palazzo variety show in Saarbrucken, Germany. 


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