Our Anacondas might want some.....

You may or you may not have heard of Nicki Minaj, and you may or may not have heard of her new song Anaconda, which we can only presume is be named in lieu of her love of the significant serpent. Well Nicki's new song and more importantly the video were released to world this week to millions of eager fans, some of which include the Lady Boys of Bangkok, who love abit of Nicki on and off stage as our fans will know if they have seen this years show! Weeeeell her new song is certainly different, take a look below....

Did you watch it? Yes - that is a strange sample of Sir-Mix-Alot's classic I like Big Butts and yes rather ironically the video may as well have been called I Like Big Butts because it features a biblical amount of large buttocks. Not that the Bible has much mentions of butts, but if Nicki Minaj was the messiah it certainly would do. All these butts kind of take away from the song, which is different from her usually forte of catchy beats, memorable choruses and fast sometimes inaudible rapping - which works and is why she is one of the best selling artists of recent years! The tagline is undoubtedly catch but is most of the appeal from the big butted, product placementy video? Who knows, we have caught a few people humming it around the office - so maybe its a grower! The Lady's do love Nicki so don't be surprised if you see a jungle themed set and some padded backed trousers in future productions!

What do you think of Nicki Minaj's new song? Let us know!


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