Last Minute Halloween Costumes

You were adamant you were staying in for Halloween weren't you? But suddenly fancy dress fever has hit and you're raring to get dressed up in your best, most creative outfit! Alas, the stores have sold out of all the fiendishly fancy witches outfits and there's not a single cauldron in sight.... You've taken some inspiration from our Halloween beauty bloggers challenge, but it's not quite ticking the boxes. 
So here's our:

 Last minute Halloween Costume ideas!

An obvious option for your Halloween Fancy Dress this year is becoming a Lady Boy! Literally! One of the acts in this years Lady Boys of Bangkok show features the fabulous half male half female costume. This would be super easy to achieve, all you'd need is some male and female clothing you don't mind cutting in half. Perhaps get a friend to join in to, so the other half of the clothing isn't wasted!

Along the same theme, the human chameleon also known as Lady Gaga has stepped out this week with a rather sophisticated looking moustache. We're not quite sure what the theme behind this outfit is, but we love it! Slick your hair back and pop on your best facial hair ladies!

You could also go for a subtle Poison Ivy inspired make up look similar to the one Phee created as part of our Halloween Make Up Challenge. We love this look as it's so glamorous and pretty yet still keeps within the Halloween theme without being scary at all!

And for any men who fancy being hilariously ironic by doing the 'anti costume, costume' here are our two favourite last minute 'costumes' for you! The 'nudist on strike' T Shirt really tickled us, and if you're a fan of the American version of 'The Office' then you would have seen Jim Halpert rocking the classic 'Face Book' costume as seen below.

What are you dressing up as for Halloween 2013?


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