Updates from Carol Gandey - Edinburgh Fringe!

This week Gandey World Class Productions very own Carol Gandey has popped up to Scotland to be part of the exciting hustle and bustle which is the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival. As the biggest event of it's kind; bringing together the best in comedy, performing arts and entertainment, the Edinburgh Fringe brings all walks of life together in this wonderful city. From the Lady Boys of Bangkok themselves, performing at The Meadows in their Studio Big Top, to the the vivid array of comedy, dance, and even children shows. There's something for everyone at the Edinburgh  Fringe each year, so it's no wonder it's one of the most successful and popular events of it's kind in the entire world! 

Edinburgh Fringe Box Office

Edinburgh Fringe Royal Mile

Edinburgh Fringe

Speigal Tent, George street 

BBC at the Edinburgh Fringe

BBC at the Edinburgh Fringe

The Gilded Balloon
The Lady Boys of Bangkok at The Meadows
The Lady Boys of Bangkok at The Meadows!

Circa Wunder Kammer at the Edinburgh Fringe
A particular highlight of the trip was the wonderful cabaret of the senses explored in the magnificent Circa Wunderkammer.  With a tagline of being 'A breathless cocktail of new circus, cabaret and vaudeville'  it was certainly a show which would never fail to impress. Consisting of 7 sensational performers this unique show is an inspiration and a joy to be able to experience, in particular the super human abilities and strength of the performers, who demonstrated the most impressive feats of skill within the show.  
Which acts have you seen at the fringe this year?
Are there any others you would recommend?


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