A Glamorous Opportunity!

This is a call to all the glamorous beauty, lovely lifestyle and fabulous fashion bloggers out there:
 The Lady Boys of Bangkok want YOU! 

Glamorous Amorous Tour UK 2013

No, no, we're not asking you to join the ladyboys on stage or change any *ahem* appendages (unless you want to of course). Gandey World Class Productions have some very exciting projects in the pipeline; from review opportunities to beauty challenges, and we would like to get you involved with some of these endeavours! 

The Lady Boys of Bangkok are currently touring the UK with their Glamorous Amorous show, with the next stops being Cardiff and Manchester so we are focussing on these area's right now to work with blog writers for review purposes, but don't worry if you're not in these area's as the ladyboys tour up until the end of November so there's plenty of other dates and locations to come along to. We are also working closely with some exciting beauty brands to develop an idea which all bloggers regardless of location in the UK can get involved with. Not only this but we will also have opportunities for forthcoming shows which are currently in the final stages of development. 

''What are you looking for on my blog?'' We hear you cry! Well, here are a few examples of posts from bloggers we have worked with in the recently, as you can see there is variation and each post demonstrates the writers own unique style:







We understand that your blog is exactly that - yours. So how you choose to write about your experience is up to you, the more creative the better! All we ask for in return is to use specific links back to the websites we will send you which relate to the show you are writing about (all our own websites by the way, no dodgy SEO tactics here! And there will be more than the Lady Boys of Bangkok to write about in the future you see!). For the beauty challenge posts we have planned we want you to showcase your creativity and maybe a mention of the brands involved. But if you do decide to work with us then don't worry, everything will be confirmed and made a little more clear via email closer to the time.

So: If you are interested please leave your name, blog URL, email address and social media handles in the comment section below. Alternatively please e-mail terri@arts-exchange.com if you do not want to make these details public.

There are ongoing opportunities, so if you are not suitable for one project this doesn't mean that you won't be suitable for future ones! And please don't be shy, we want a range of blogs and bloggers from the established to the newbies. 


  1. I am definitley interested! I contacted your a while bag regarding this :)

    My name is Megan Ellaby and I write www.whatsnewpussycatt.blogspot.co.uk, megan.ellaby@hotmail.co.uk, @meganellaby (twitter & instagram)

    I'd really love to get involved with this so look forward to hearing from you soon :) x

  2. Hi Terri - I've already emailed you but just seen a cheeky tweet saying it was easier to keep track via this blog post, so I'd like to just put in my interest for Manchester if that's okay?

    My email is hello@lilykitten.com and my blog is www.lilykitten.com.

    Would be great to meet you too! :) x

  3. Oooh this sounds up my street! I am Based in Manchester and would love to help!

    Charlotte Lewis


    @CharlotteLewis_ (Twitter)
    @Lewis26 (instagram)
    /lurchhoundlovesfashionbeauty (Facebook)

    Sounds so exciting!

    Thanks :)

  4. I am totally interested! This would be so much fun.. Im currently in carlisle but i travel around a lot so depending on dates and locations, im flexible.
    My email is alicetanswell@gmail.com www.teaandlead.com and twitter is @teaandlead

  5. www.tiredmummyoftwo.co.uk




    I also run Blogs Up North and i think a girl night full of bloggers would be awesome for this. I am based in Manchester but work with bloggers all over the north

  6. www.tiredmummyoftwo.co.uk



    I would love to work with you on this and have emailed. I also run blogs up north and I think a girly bloggers night out would be great.

  7. Definitely interested! You can contact me at facevaluebeautyblog@hotmail.co.uk or @FaceValueBlog

    Love Zoe x

  8. I'd love to get involved in this! Email is LucyElms@live.co.uk

    lucy x


  9. Hi Terri I would really like to partecipate.
    You can contact me here:
    Anna @itsablogsworld itsabloggersworld@gmail.com
    My blog is It's a blogger's world http://itsabloggersworld-annas.blogspot.co

  10. Hi I would really like to partecipate
    You can find me here
    It's a blogger's world http://itsabloggersworld-annas.blogspot.com/
    Thank you

  11. Hi Terri,

    Always interested as you know.

    Name: Ashleigh
    Blog: www.25to30.co.uk
    Twitter: 45h1eigh
    Instagram: ashleighmillward
    Email: ashleighjom@icloud.com
    Location: between Northampton and Milton Keynes

  12. Hi Terri I would really like to partecipate.
    You can contact me here:
    Anna @itsablogsworld itsabloggersworld@gmail.com
    My blog is It's a blogger's world http://itsabloggersworld-annas.blogspot.co

  13. You pretty much know all mine buuuuut:

  14. Thanks Terri,
    As I've said on email, I'm definitely interested in anything Manchester based.

    Simon Bowers
    Email: simon.bowers@gmail.com
    Twitter: StokieSimon
    Instagram: StokieSimon

  15. Hi Terri

    I'd definitely be interested in future opportunities, really enjoyed seeing the Ladyboys. I like the sound of the Ladyboys nail art challenge you've talked about on Twitter!

    Becky Smith

    Becky x

  16. Hi Terri!

    Definitely interested for any future opportunities! :)

    Name: Leanne Douglas
    Blog: http://rants-raves-rambles.blogspot.ie/
    Twitter: @FlailingPenguin
    Email: leannedouglas1@hotmail.com

    Keep me posted!

    Leanne x


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