Butlin's Ahoy.....
Butlin's is a rather contentious word in the British holiday-makers vocabulary, to some it's a good activity filled family get-away and to others its....well....not...there is one thing for sure however, Butlin's is a household name here in the UK and its popularity continues to grow to this day. Butlin's started its life in the mind of the amazingly alliteratively named Billy Butlin, from whom I think it's safe to say it gets it's namesake, it's a good job they didn't go off his full name Sir William Heygate Edmund Colborne Butlin Resort...doesn't quite have the same ring. The enigmatic 'Billy' Butlin was born in South Africa to the son of a clergyman!! No, not a preacher man sorry Dusty . His origins were rather turbulent as far as childhoods go, he moved from South Africa to England following his parents divorce at the age of 7. Whilst in England he began travelling the country with his Grandmothers fair, something we her...